Modern Foreign Languages

At Ballard, we have a specialist teacher for Spanish and French. These specialist teachers teach through school with French being taught from Year 1 and Spanish being added in Year 4, in addition to co-curricular opportunities to learn a language. Pupils have the opportunity to take two languages at GCSE.


French is taught from Year 1 on a weekly basis with a trip to the Pre-Prep library to meet Camembear, our friendly French bear.

Quite complex vocabulary is taught in fun and engaging ways with pupils naming parts of the body before launching into a rendition of head, shoulders knees and toes – in French, of course!

Each week our star pupil is allowed to wear the beret at celebration assembly – the children love it.

Lower Prep

Pupils are introduced to French through stories, rhymes, songs, games, crafts and role plays. Again, emphasis is placed on enjoying the language learning process, whilst still providing the solid grounding which pupils require as they get older. In Year 4 we introduce Spanish, alongside French, again the emphasis is on fun.

Upper Prep

French and Spanish continue into the Spring Term of Year 7, where pupils will chose a language pathway to ensure that they have sufficient time to develop a deeper understanding of their chosen language.  Pupils continue to progress as confident language learners and are able to put their French language skills to the test during a 4-day visit to Normandy at the end of Year 8. In Year 8, pupils will be given the opportunity to trial German in the Summer Term.


In Year 9 pupils are prepared thoroughly for the challenges of studying an MFL at GCSE. Although language learning is optional beyond Year 9, our high uptake and impressive exam results are testament to the quality of teaching and learning taking place within the department.
