
We have a uniform policy which outlines everything you need to know about appearance in School, including hair,  style of shoes and skirt lengths.

Uniform Policy

Our School uniform has evolved considerably over the years to ensure that our pupils are always dressed to do their best; in and outside of the classroom.

They are designed to be comfortable, practical, hard-wearing, easy to wash, flattering, smart and distinctive. We offer a choice of: trouser or shorts uniform and skirt or dress uniform. Ballard pupils wear their uniforms with pride.

To find out what you need to purchase, please read the uniform lists for the correct year groups on this page.

Online Uniform Shop

To buy your new uniform, please click through to the online store here 

For help and advice, please email our supplier Direct Clothing whose email is CustomerService@directclothing.co.uk

Second-Hand Shop

You may contact the Second Hand Shop via email : secondhandshop@ballardschool.co.uk

If you wish to sell any clean, quality uniform, please fill in the form. Please note that we do not accept any items that haven’t been washed or have holes or stainsSecond-hand sales form.

Second-Hand Shop Opening Times

Term Time Only:

Monday and Wednesday mornings: 08h45 – 09h30. Thursday afternoons: 15h45 – 16h45.

General Guidance

All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the pupil’s name.

Shoes (not boots) must be black leather (not suede) and clean with a low, wide, flat heel no more than 5cm high. Shirt top buttons and ties (if appropriate) are to be done up and shirts tucked in at all times. Pullovers must be in good condition without frayed cuffs.

Hairstyles should not draw attention to the pupil. Styles must look natural and should not be dyed or bleached. Hair gel may be used in small amounts to maintain styles. Hair must be off the face and would normally be off the collar for boys. Long hair must be tied back for the safety and hygiene of the pupil. Boys must be clean shaven and sideburns kept short.

Apart from watches, jewellery may not be worn to School. This is primarily for the safety of the pupil in PE lessons but also because loss or damage can cause distress. Pupils may wear one pair of small, discreet stud earrings in the earlobe (one in each ear only) only gold or silver earrings are allowed. Earrings must be removed for all PE lessons and matches, tape is not permitted. We therefore recommend that if pupils are considering piercing their ears that this is done at the beginning of the summer holidays so that earrings will be able to be removed for PE lessons when returning to School in the autumn term.

False eyelashes are not permitted. Fake tan is also not permitted.
