« Avoir une autre langue, c’est posséder une deuxième âme »
To have a second language is to have a second soul
Charlemagne, King of the Franks, 768-814
The French Department aims to equip pupils with a solid foundation of knowledge and communication skills to encourage them to flourish with courage, curiosity and compassion as independent global citizens. Through learning French, we want to open a world of new possibilities and opportunities for our pupils, deepen their understanding of their own culture and those of others, and to foster a lifelong love of language learning.
Our specialist teachers work with our pupils from Year 1 all the way to Year 11. Our impressive GCSE examination results are a testament to the quality of teaching and learning taking place throughout a pupil’s French experience at Ballard. We bring French to life through a number of fun events and experiences: cooking and tasting traditional food, a virtual exchange with our partner school in Vendée, themed days at school, trips to France, and of course our after-school clubs which offer opportunities to have fun with the language, raise attainment or practise conversation and debating skills in la langue de Molière.
Our curriculum ensures all pupils are able to participate from the outset, with a ‘have a go’ attitude and develop the key linguistic skills needed to communicate in French. We start with sounds, building to words, phrases, sentences and eventually longer texts. Through regular practice and revision we aim to develop a level of spontaneity and confidence. Starting early with our younger learners, we practise all aspects of learning a language and study subjects relating to many of our pupils’ life and interests. Intercultural understanding is an important facet of language learning and we explore the cultures of the countries where French is spoken around the world.
We are proud to run the accredited Foreign Language Leader Award during activity time for aspiring young leaders with a keen interest in languages.
Our Club Français is the perfect place for our native speakers to top up their language and keep their fluency. Our Academic Scholars with a special interest in French are also invited to attend. This activity runs alongside a tailor-made programme during lesson time.
Fun with French allows our younger learners to test their knowledge of vocabulary and culture and to compete against each other through a variety of games and activities
Raising Attainment sessions target those GCSE students who need a little boost to reach their full potential.
An immersive, 5 day, action-packed trip which includes the discovery of Le Mont St Michel and a visit to the tapisserie de Bayeux, buying your own picnic at the market and learning to make bread, as well as many other exciting activities while staying in our very own château.