“Welcome to the PSHE page. As the Head of PSHE, I take great pride in our PSHE programme as it underpins our philosophy of proactive pastoral care. The engagement of our pupils in their PSHE lessons is testament to the value we all place on the subject. The key strands of Relationships, Health and Living in the Wider World are built on from Year 1 to Year 11, allowing our pupils to leave Ballard with the ability to make informed life choices.”

Catherine McCleave, Head of PSHE 


Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education at Ballard including Citizenship enables pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy, safe and prepared for life and work.

In April 2021, the introduction of statutory Relationships Education (RE) at Key Stages 1 and 2, Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) in Key Stages 3 and 4, and Health Education from Key Stage 1 to 4 has highlighted further the benefits of providing an excellent PSHE education for our pupils.

At Ballard we aim, through the PSHE curriculum, to develop skills and attributes such as resilience, self-esteem, risk management, teamwork and critical thinking in the context of three core themes:

Year 1 to Year 6: Relationships, Health and Living in the Wider World.

Year 7 to Year 11: Relationships and Sex, Health and Living in the Wider World.

The delivery of a successful PSHE curriculum at Ballard is a key support in relation to the personal development, behaviour, welfare and safeguarding of all of our pupils.


Pre-Prep PSHE including Citizenship and Relationships Education (RE)



Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Relationships Education (RE) is delivered in its own dedicated 50 minute lesson each week by the Head of PSHE and the form tutor. PSHE, RE and Citizenship aim to help our children lead confident, healthy and independent lives and to be responsible and positive members of the Ballard, local, national and global community. Many of the covered topics are also reinforced during our weekly Pre-Prep assemblies.

This is a designated time when pupils are encouraged to take part in discussion and to develop their skills of communication and participation whilst also showing empathy and respect to others. We deliver PSHE (including RE) under these three themes: Relationships, Living in the Wider World and Health and Wellbeing. Some of the topics covered include friendships, relationships, families, choices, NSPCC Pantosaurus, diversity, rules, CEOP Jessie and Friends, rights and responsibilities, people who help us, changes, our brilliant bodies, setting objectives and going for goals.

You may access the detailed information about the PSHE syllabus and the schemes of work here.

Putting this into action involves organising a number of activities for the children that help boost their confidence and promote active citizenship. Examples of these are:

  • Charity fundraising activities such as, ‘Captain Tom’s 100’ and NSPCC Childhood Day initiatives, peer mentoring (Reading Buddies), Whole-School assemblies and local community events.
  • A range of talks delivered by external speakers are organised for both pupils and/or parents. They help address wider issues like personal safety (Local Police), crossing roads and riding scooters safely. Online safety (Hampshire County Council) and parenting advice.
  • Whole-School days of reflection such at Odd Socks Day, Remembrance Day and Holocaust Memorial Day.
  • We also invite parents to talk to our children about their different careers and varied life experiences.

PSHE Staff Pre-Prep:

Head of PSHE: Catherine McCleave

Head of Section: Mrs Hunt

Pre-Prep Tutor Team

Lower Prep PSHE including Citizenship and Relationships Education (RE)

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Relationships Education (RE) is delivered in its own dedicated 50 minute lesson each week by the Head of PSHE and the form tutor. PSHE, RE and Citizenship aim to help our children lead confident, healthy and independent lives and to be responsible and positive members of the Ballard, local, national and global community. Many of the covered topics are also reinforced during our weekly Lower Prep assemblies.

In this designated time, pupils are encouraged to take part in discussion and to develop their skills of communication and participation whilst also showing empathy and respect to others. We deliver PSHE (including RE) under these three themes: Relationships, Living in the Wider World and Health and Wellbeing. Some of the topics covered include relationships, friendships, families, body changes, puberty, the idea of consent (in terms of personal space), NSPCC Buddy and Pantosaurus, how the media portrays relationships, male and female role models as well as choices, empowering boys to be boys, diversity, rules, and rights and responsibilities.

You may access detailed information about the PSHE syllabus and the schemes of work for each year group here.

Putting this into practice involves organising activities and rewards for the children that help boost their confidence and promote active citizenship. Such as:

  • Charity fundraising activities such as, ‘Captain Tom’s 100’ and NSPCC Childhood Day initiatives, peer mentoring (Reading Buddies), Whole-School assemblies and local community events.
  • A range of talks delivered by external speakers are organised for both pupils and/or parents. They help address wider issues like personal safety (Local Police), crossing roads and riding scooters safely? Online safety (Hampshire County Council) and parenting advice.
  • Whole-School days of reflection such at Odd Socks Day, Remembrance Day and Holocaust Memorial Day
  • We also invite parents to talk to our children about their different careers and varied life experiences.

PSHE Staff Lower Prep:

Head of PSHE: Catherine McCleave

Head of Section: Mr Ridley

Lower Prep Tutor Team

Upper Prep PSHE including Citizenship, Relationships Education (RE) Year 6 and Relationships and Sex Education Year 7 to Year 8

Throughout the Upper Prep, pupils have a dedicated 50 minute PSHE lesson each week supported by our whole-School and Heads of Section assemblies and Votes for Schools, delivered by our form tutors, allowing space for pupils to consider and discuss Relationships, their Health and Living in the Wider World. Covering vital topics such as peer relationships, FGM and drugs education.

A constantly updated programme of visiting speakers are invited to the School to discuss various PSHE topics. While in the Upper Prep, pupils will receive talks on health including physical and mental wellbeing, mindfulness techniques, careers and E-safety.

We know that parents are our key partners in these areas and we work hard to ensure that parents are fully informed. There is a parental meeting each year where parents are invited to a PSHE presentation of the topics that will be cover in the Upper Prep. The Upper Prep PSHE lesson long term and weekly overviews are shared on the School website and MSP. You may also view them here.

PSHE Staff Upper Prep:

Head of PSHE: Catherine McCleave

Head of Section: Matthew Harris

Specialist PSHE teachers

Senior PSHE including Citizenship and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Throughout the Senior School, pupils have a dedicated 50 minute PSHE lesson each week supported by our Whole-School and Heads of Section assemblies and Votes for Schools delivered by our form tutors, allowing space for pupils to consider and discuss Relationships, their Health and Living in the Wider World. Covering vital topics such as peer relationships, body-image and managing a bank account. Critical thinking is also developed through a time-tabled critical thinking course in Year 9.

A constantly updated programme of visiting speakers are invited to the School to discuss various PSHE topics. While in the Senior School, pupils will receive talks on Health, including physical and mental wellbeing, Drugs’ Awareness, Relationships and Sex Education and E-safety.

We know that parents are our key partners in these areas and we work hard to ensure parents are fully informed. There is a parental meeting each year when parents are invited to a PSHE presentation of the topics that will be covered in the Senior School. The Senior School PSHE lesson long term and weekly overviews are shared on the School website and MSP. You may also view them here.


PSHE Staff Senior School:

Head of PSHE: Catherine McCleave

Head of Section: Angela Guillen

Specialist PSHE Teachers
