Design & Technology

At Ballard, Design & Technology (DT) continually challenges pupils to think independently, analyse situations and develop solutions to problems. We have an impressive DT laboratory and a dedicated DT technician to help our specialist teachers and pupils.

Development of practical skills empowers pupils to produce impressive products using modern and traditional materials and techniques. Pupils have the chance to work creatively with food, resistant materials, electronics and computer-aided design and manufacture.

As a School, we are extremely well-equipped with the latest in technology. We currently have a wide-range of CAD/CAM facilities, seven 3D printers, two laser cutters and vinyl cutters.

In 2021, we revamped the workshop with new workbenches and storage solutions to allow the prefect creative learning environment. We focus on the Health and Safety of your child ensuring that the workshop is always safe to use.

Our members of staff in DT are specialist teachers with a wide-range of skills and knowledge that we are able to use to enhance your child’s learning and experience.

At Key Stage 3, pupils experience a wide range of projects and materials, develop their skills and make high-quality products. At Key Stage 4, Product Design and Food Technology (Food & Nutrition) are offered as GCSE subjects.

GCSE Design & Technology is flourishing at Ballard with GCSE numbers at an all time high. We have three full GCSE classes with almost 40% of pupils being girls. Our Top Achiever this year (who was a female pupil in Year 11) got full marks in the GCSE NEA and achieved a grade 9.

With the promotion of STEM and engineering along with a newly refurbished workshop and new DT curriculum from Lower Prep upwards, we see numbers continuing to increase and Design & Technology being the best that it can be.

“Design is a way of life, a point of view. It involves the whole complex of visual communications: talent, creative ability, manual skill, and technical knowledge. Aesthetics and economics, technology and psychology are intrinsically related to the process.” Paul Rand

“The hand is the cutting edge of the mind.”

Jacob Bronowski

“At a time when Technology is advancing in leaps and bounds, Sir James Dyson reflects upon this phenomenon by saying: ‘As a child, at school, making wonky boxes in woodwork classes is not sufficient’. He goes on to say ‘Design Technology doesn’t separate out design from technology; but instead recognises that art and science, the practical and the theoretical, can all work together to bring about creative products’.”

Andrew Cornwell, Head of DT

Upper Prep

DT in Upper Prep is all about increasing the complexity of the projects and introducing new techniques.

Pupils look at developing their problem-solving skills and develop independent learning skills that they apply through their projects; at this stage, pupils look at the impact of design upon the world around them.


DT is a popular GCSE choice at Ballard with a large participation, including many of the girls. Pupils link their designs to realistic outcomes such as undertaking independent research visits, customer analysis, market research, 3D modelling of ideas and testing. Recent results are testament to the thorough teaching and learning at Ballard and moderators regularly commend us on this.

During their time studying Design and Technology, pupils will create a strong portfolio of work that they can use during their College and University applications.
