SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development)

SMSC is the acronym for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development. Our pastoral care is rooted in kindness and respect, and underpinned by Christian values. The Ballard family’s wellbeing is central to the ethos of the School. Our young people are strongly encouraged to look out for each other and support the wider community.

British values are the core values that underpin our holistic education. Democracy, individual liberty, mutual respect and the rule of law together with the mutual respect and tolerance of different beliefs and faiths are reflected in our policies and our curriculum. Democracy is evidenced by the relationships our pupils have with staff together with the support given by Heads of Section and Prefects. From Lower Prep upwards, there is an elected School Council and discussions related to British values are part of the daily routine of form time led by the form teacher supported by twice-weekly assemblies. Our policies are comprehensive and include anti-bullying, peer on peer abuse, PSHE and RSE, equal opportunities, age-related pupil privacy, EAL and digital policies. Safeguarding training for all staff on a regular and timely basis ensures the School can remain vigilant and report concerns as they arise.

The School curriculum includes regular PSHE sessions supported by RE and a wide variety of extra-curricular activity to broaden young minds whilst also providing a safe learning environment and a clear distinction between right and wrong.


  • Providing an environment for curious learning and questioning
  • Exploring different cultures, beliefs and values
  • Fostering the individual talents of a child and a passion for learning about themselves and others
  • Preparing pupils for the world of work and independence


  • Develop an understanding and respect of individuality and the need to listen and respect others whilst managing own behaviour and actions
  • Foster a respect for the environment and the safety of self and others
  • Develop leadership and teamworking skills to help make decisions and choices


  • Acquire a range of communication and social skills
  • Be able to start and develop meaningful relationships with a wide range of individuals
  • Be prepared to help and work with others in school and in the community
  • Develop and nurture attributes that are valued such as independence, self respect, charity, standing up for oneself and others and tenacity
  • Obtain a positive self-image and an awareness of right and wrong


  • Understand the value of cultural diversity within the context of British values
  • Broadening horizons with opportunities for British and foreign trips and exchange visits
  • Supporting cultural diversity within the curriculum and in cross-curricular activity
  • Providing extensive opportunities for exposure to new skills and cultures through a comprehensive range of extra-curricular activities
